Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Humongous Python | O'Reilly Media

We recently had a pygame presentation at the Utah-PUG and it got me thinking about these Putt-Putt games my daughter was playing about the time I was first learning python. The company that made putt-putt used python for those games. They made and distributed a GPL'ed debugger to help with their C++/python projects.

Humongous Python | O'Reilly Media

coin slot detector

The essential coin slot detector.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Guantánamo Testimonials Project — The Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas (CSHRA)

Tired of listening to blowhards (pundits, presidents, etc.) who talk about whether or not the American Government tortures people? If so, you may be interested in the actual testimonies of people who were there: The Guantánamo Testimonials Project — The Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas (CSHRA) Click through for actual knowledge.